Wondering Wanderer started as a travel blog but restaurant reviews and game reviews were eventually added because we’re mostly on a staycation during weekends—even on holidays. There are plenty of interesting topics to discuss during a staycation and I’m considering to add movie reviews and other fun categories in the future. So aside from wondering where to wander, we’ll cover other things that we’re wondering about when we’re not wandering.
But beyond the side topics, this blog will focus mainly on travel because it’s the original inspiration to start this blog. Since we’re based in the Philippines, most of these will be about Philippine attractions from different provinces.
During our trip to India, I realized that when I dedicated this blog to my wife on her birthday, I actually did it the way Taj Mahal was dedicated by the emperor Shah Jahan to his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The only difference is that she’s not my favorite wife. She’s my one and only wife and I feel blessed that she’s my first love as well.

This blog will serve as a journal of our adventures while providing helpful information and tips about what we learned from our travels. We’ll put as much information as we can to help you plan your own trips more conveniently and in the most affordable way. Please feel free to let us know what other useful information you would like us to include in our blog so we can gather and post them. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube. Feel free to throw your questions or leave us a comment on our social media pages.
We honor God for the wonderful family He gave us and for the privilege to explore the wonders of His creation.
About The Authors
Edwin Juen Jr. – Admin, web designer and web developer who regularly monitor and maintain this blog. An IT specialist whose background also covers computer troubleshooting, programming and network configuration. I hated writing but grew to love it because of my love to share stories about our travels and other fun stuff.
Angelo Castelda – Frequent contributor. A freelance writer and digital nomad who loves to travel around Asia. He finds comfort in working around the beautiful islands and beaches of the Philippines, which is where he usually draws inspiration when writing.
Hi Edwin
I hope you’re well. I’m sorry to bother you but I’ve got a big favour to ask! I’m a freelance travel journalist and I’m currently working on a piece for the UK’s Metro newspaper. It’s about geological attractions and my editor wants me to include quote from well-traveled travel bloggers, and as I love your blog I was hoping to include a quote from your website, as below, in the bit I’m including about the Chocolate Hills. Obviously I will link to your website and the piece will appear online as well as in print. I’ll send on the PDF when it gets printed.
Thank you very much,
Tamara Hinson | Freelance journalist | http://www.tamarahinson.co.uk
‘To enjoy a great view of the Chocolate Hills, you need to climb one of them,’ points out travel blogger Edwin Juen Jr, founder of wonderingwanderer.com. ‘One of the hills has been converted to a viewing deck. It’s a long way up as you need to climb 213 concrete steps, but once you get up there, it’s worth every calorie.’
Tamara Hinson | Freelance journalist | http://www.tamarahinson.co.uk | 07854165533
Hi Tamara,
I’m doing well, how about you? You’re actually the one who’s doing us a big favor because getting our site linked in your UK newspaper article helps promote it so please, feel free to do so. This will help promote the beauty of our country as well.
We feel very privileged that you picked our site. If you need a quote from our other posts as well please let us know. We’ll be glad to share it with you. We’ll look forward to that PDF that you’ll be sending me.
Many thanks,
Will be in Bohol this Saturday with 3 of my friends and I’d like to know where exactly did you stay in Panglao? “Alona” seems to be attached to all the beaches in Tawala. I am particular as to where you saw the seafood catch on this blog entry.
Appreciate the help.
Hi Anne,
We stayed in Alona Tropical Beach resort. We saw the seafood catch during our stroll in the long stretch of the Alona beach area. Please check out my blog entry with the title 7 Reasons Why Alona Tropical Beach Resort for more information about the resort :)
Hi Edwin,
Many regards from Belgium, Europe. I just saw your wonderful video about Salagdo Ong Beach on Siquijor Island. My wife is a Siquijodnon, and we have been at the beach many, many times ; it’s really a small peace of paradise on earth. I also liked the music you used in the video ; may I ask who’s the composer of it, and maybe the title ??
Ronny Dehens
Hi Ronny,
It’s great to know you really had a great time here in the Philippines. Siquijor is definitely a paradise I look forward to come back later. The title of the music is “Again” by Secrets in Stereo.
Hi EJ,
Thanks for your reply ; I’ve found some more music of Secrets in Stereo on the internet, but I don’t think it’s available on CD. I will return to Siquijor next May, pohon. Are you living in the Philippines, or abroad ??
All the best, and a Merry Christmas,
HI Ronny,
Actually the Secrets in Stereo music that I used in my video is just a free audio background music from Youtube whenever anyone uploads any videos which could be a reason why it’s for digital download only. I’ve been living here in Metro Manila since birth. :)
Merry Christmas too and have a safe trip this coming May!
Edwin of course, not Erwin ,sorry about that,
ps: one of my brother-in-law’s name is Erwin , that explains my mistake
Hi Ronny,
No problem, haha, I make the same mistake a lot myself. :)
Casa Joaquin looks very cozy at a reasonable prize. Good pick!
Have a fun summer escapade,
Hey Edwin and Angelo, love the look of the blog and the content!