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Katunggan Park – Mahinog, Camiguin

Katunggan Park is Camiguin‘s well-known mangrove park because of its enchanting atmosphere and peculiar tone. It can be viewed as romantic and charming or wonderfully eerie because of its freakish trunks and irregularly-formed branches. Its swamp-like shallow waters that are filled with dark and pointy roots look like dungeon traps. The idea that behind their large roots lurks a crocodile or an anaconda can get in your head because of their creepy look.

Camiguin: Katunggan Mangrove Park
Katunggan Park – Camiguin

As Filipinos, traditionally-believed spiritual elements like Engkanto, Tikbalang, Diwata, Dwende, Kapre and more may have been perceived to have resided in this kind of mysterious-looking place by our ancestors. It has that unique blend of elements that are both surreal and abstract. With a just a pinch of imagination, Katunggan Park can take you to a different world that is truly magical.

Katunggan Park's Bridge with Couple
Preparing to explore Katunggan Park


Our Experience at Katunggan Park

We’ve seen different mangrove forests but none of them have hanging bridges where you can really have a good look inside them. It’s a great concept because, on top of being a tourist attraction, it also gives protection to the town’s coastal area. Mangroves are known to provide protection from erosion, storm surge and tsunamis.

Katunggan Mangrove Forest with Couple
Sit down and relax while enjoying the peaceful surrounding

It was really amusing to explore Katunggan Park’s dense forest which is quite cinematic. I won’t be surprised if this location is picked for a thriller or a romantic movie because of its strange and charming aura. There were almost no other visitors when we went there. A solemn place like this would be a great place to visit if you want to have a quiet time, meditate or be sentimental.  We later saw a group of teens who are sitting on the bridge and swinging their feet. They seem to be having a great time chit-chatting while playing with their cell phones.

Katunggan Park's Clear Bridge
Looks creepy and adventurous!


Things To Do in Katunggan Park

Katunggan Park is undeniably perfect for bondings and dates because on top of its wonderful ambiance—it has tree houses and picnic sheds. These shelters are perfectly placed in different corners where you can enjoy your privacy. It’s the best place for a group of friends to talk about creepy stories and have some laughs. A couple can bring their own food for a date. Just make sure that you bring an extra plastic bag where you can temporarily put your trash before taking them to the right bin.

Tree House of Katunggan Park
It’s nice to have a date here
Katunggan Park's Shed
Having your lunch here would be superb!

It’s not all about just creepiness and romance because they’ve put up ladders where anyone can have that fun morning swim. It’s great for children because of its shallow waters. The water gradually gets deeper as you walk closer to the open sea. You can enjoy a great view of the horizon while swimming in its deep waters.

Katunggan Park's Swimming Area
Clean and clear water like in most of Camiguin

Posted on one of the mangroves is the information below:
Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) – Easily identified by its roots which are specialized to take in oxygen. Roots look like tubular bristles which stick out vertically and trap oxygen for its oxygen-starved root systems. These bristles are known as pneumatophores.

Entrance to Katunggan Park
Welcome to Katunggan Park!

Entrance Fee:
Adult: P20.00
10 – 17 years old: P15.00
6 and below: FREE!
Picnic Shed: P150.00 for 4 hours. P20.00 every hour in excess.

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