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Small Lagoon – El Nido, Palawan

Small Lagoon gives a majestic welcome to El Nido’s visitors with its grand and fascinating rock formations. Its crystal clear blue water lets you view the captivating sight of El Nido’s corals along with its great variety of fishes. Getting here is an adventure because you will need to pass through a tiny entrance where only one kayak can enter at a time. Traversing the small space in between the rocks gives you a feeling of uncovering a hidden paradise that’s full of enchantment.

Kayaking in Small Lagoon, El Nido
Small Lagoon – El Nido, Palawan
Small Lagoon's sharp rocks
Monstrous rocks!

This lagoon is a common first stop in Miniloc island. To elaborate further, El Nido’s tours are broken down to Tour A, B, C and D. This particular lagoon is the first one in the list of Tour A. The area’s shape can be compared to a bowling pin. You’ll have to pass by the wider Bacuit Bay before you can enter the Small Lagoon. There were plenty of tourists having a great time kayaking at the Bacuit Bay area. Plenty of large tourist boats were also parked in the bay.

Kayaking at Biscuit Bay - El Nido, Palawan
Bacuit Bay – El Nido, Palawan
Biscuit Bay's Parked Boats
Plenty of parked tourist boats at Bacuit Bay


Our Experience at the Small Lagoon

As we were entering the small lagoon I thought of how difficult it would be like without a kayak. A convenient entry inside this lagoon is just one of the many reasons why you should rent a kayak. We would have been full of regret if we didn’t take their offer to rent a kayak because it really made the most out of our adventure. Exploring the lagoons by simply swimming around the deep sea area won’t just be tedious and tiring but time-consuming as well. Time is really important because there’s just an allotted time per attraction.

Entrance to Small Lagoon
A small entry point to the Small Lagoon
Slowly entering the small lagoon
Juliet holding the rocks to enter

It was an amazing sight inside. Getting surrounded by sharp and enormous sized limestones felt like we’re inside a monster’s mouth. It was our first time to be in a place like this which felt like a different world. My wife and I can’t help but talk non-stop about how wonderful the place is while kayaking. Slowly kayaking while looking above the ginormous gray rocks was definitely a thrilling experience.

A wonderful view inside the Small Lagoon
A fascinating sharp wall of solid rock

We had to be very careful when we were lining up to enter and leave the Small Lagoon. Colliding with other kayaks and flipping over would be unimaginable because we brought our camera and phone. We’ve also distanced a bit from other kayaks while getting around the lagoon to ensure that we avoid any collision. The toughest part is when we had to request our guide to take our picture. It felt that we were close to getting outbalanced while passing our camera to him.

Lush green plants
This part is very green
Leaving the Small Lagoon


Kayaking from Small Lagoon to Big Lagoon

When it was time to leave, we had to wait for the queue of kayaks and swimmers to clear out the small exit. We took advantage of the wait time to explore the lagoon a bit more. When we finally got our turn to leave, we’ve seen a few visitors still waiting to enter the lagoon. We looked for our colleagues under the same boat number but we were later told that we have an option to either go back to the tourist boat or kayak our way to the Big Lagoon.

Karsts of Bacuit Bay
A nice view of the karsts at Bacuit Bay
Path to the Big Lagoon
Our colleagues kayaking from the Small Lagoon to the Big Lagoon

My wife and I are the only lazy couple that decided to head back to the tourist boat. The rest of our co-tourists decided to kayak to the Big Lagoon. We wanted to save our energy for the rest of the tour. We later saw that it was a bit far to kayak and we were just happy that we went back to the boat. I guess it would have been a tremendous effort for the guides if they had to lift up all of the kayaks back inside the big boat then take us to the Big Lagoon.

Kayak Rental Fee:
2 people = P400.00
3 people = P600.00

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